Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Beginning of modern Japan

The beginning of modern Japan can be traced to the Meiji Restoration of 1868.Before the Meiji Restoration the Tokugawa shogunate of the Edo period (1600-1868) ruled over Japan which was characterized by a feudal social and economic system. In the 1500s power came to be decentralized in Japan characterized by warfare between rival feudal lords(daimyo) for almost a century. After the victory in the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, the Tokugawa shogunate came to rule Japan from Edo.The Tokugawa shogunate thus began a dynasty that would rule over Japan till 1868.

The society in the Tokugawa period was centered on the class hierarchy established by the emperor. The emperor and daimyo(lords) constituted the upper class followed by the samurai (warrior class) and the farmers, artisans, and traders at the bottom. The feudalistic nature of Japanese society was based on the Confucian principles of social order. The peasants which comprised 80% of the population was burdened with taxes. The samurai (warrior class) had the choice to either give up military service or become daimyos (feudal lords). It was this social system that eventually led to peasant uprisings and samurai unrest against the feudal lords.

The economy of the Tokugawa shogunate from the 1680s to the early 1700s placed an emphasis on agricultural production leading to considerable growth. The expansion of manufacture and commerce contributed to the development of urban centres such as Edo, Osaka , and Kyoto. Japan also produced fine silk, cotton fabrics, porcelain, and paper which gave rise to trade. The increase of mercantile activity led to the rise of a merchant class in Japan. However, while merchants and tradesmen prospered, the daimyos and samurai faced financial difficulties. Several attempts were made for financial reforms in the late 18th and 19th century but the samurai (warrior class) continued to face financial difficulties. This coupled with the Western encroachment by European and Western powers who wanted to trade with Japan beginning with the expedition of Commodore Matthew Perry of USA in the 19th century contributed to peasant rebellions and samurai uprisings in the final years of the Tokugawa shogunate.

A series of unequal treaties beginning with the treaty of Kanagawa which opened the ports of Japan to America led to the Meiji Restoration of 1868 in which two anti-Tokugawa clans of the samurai class joined forces to overthrow the shogunate and in 1868 the Meiji restoration proclaimed an imperial restoration in the name of the young emperor Meiji who was only 14 years old. During the Meiji period Japan prospered from being an isolated nation to one of the world’s industrialized nations along with Britain, USA, Russia, France, Italy, and Spain. The country experienced important social, economic and political changes with the abolition of the feudal system and the acceptance of a cabinet system of government. Japan also opened up to Western influence and trade and also witnessed the build-up of military strength leading to Japan’s rise as a world power.

Beginning in the 1890s Japan embarked on a process of rapid industrialization, modernization, and expansion. In 1894-95 Japan fought a war against China over the control of Korea and occupied Taiwan. In 1902 Japan signed an alliance with Britain and in 1904-5 Japan went to war against Russia and in the process annexed Korea in its empire. During the First world war, Japan was allied with USA and Britain and was hopeful of territorial gains at the Versailles peace conference in 1919. However, Japan was met with opposition from America. The failure of Japan coupled with economic depression led to public frustration with the political leadership in Japan after First world war. The military began to push for Japanese expansionism and imperialism in Asia just as Italy and Germany were doing in Europe.

Taking pretext of The Manchurian incident of 1931 the Japanese army conquered Manchuria in China and established a puppet government. Meanwhile, the imperial Japanese army consolidated its control over the political system and most political parties were abolished in Japan. Japan’s ambitions grew increasingly bold and it eventually led to the outbreak of the Second Sino Japanese war in 1937. The USA opposed Japan’s invasion of China and imposed economic sanctions on Japan. Japan responded by making an alliance with Germany and Italy known as the Tripartite pact in 1940 worsening its relations with the USA. In December 1941 Japan bombed the US naval base atPearlHarbour in retaliation to these economic sanctions and went to war against America. In the initial stages of the war, Japan won victory after victory but after 1942 Japan suffered military reversals at the hand of the Allies. By 1945 Japan had all but lost the war against America and in August 1945 with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by America Japan was defeated by the Allied powers.

After the Second world war, Japan experienced rapid political and social transformation under the Allied occupation of Japan by General Douglas MacArthur. The occupation decentralized power in Japan by eliminating the Zaibatsu and in the process transferring the ownership of agricultural land to tenant farmers. Japan was demilitarized and democratized. The Japanese military was disarmed and its colonies were granted independence. The international military tribunal of the Far East was established to punish war criminals and Japan’s new constitution came in to force in 1947 which guaranteed civil liberties, women’s suffrage and labour rights. The San Francisco Peace treaty was signed between Japan and USA in 1951 which normalized relations between USA and Japan.

Japan witnessed rapid economic growth after the Second world war and by the 1950s and 60s, it had the world’s most developed economy. The reasons behind Japan’s post-war economic growth included technology and quality control techniques, close economic relations with the USA and participation of the private sector in running small businesses. Life expectancy rose and Japan’s population rose to 123 million in 1990.Women were granted the right to vote and currently, Japan is the most advanced economy in the world. In 2011 Japan suffered the most devastating earthquake and the resulting tsunami led to the damage of nuclear facilities in Fukushima.

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