Thursday, June 18, 2020

Book Review

Hi Everyone,

Book Review

Title:  India's ancient past

Author: R. S. Sharma

The book begins with the approaches of various historians towards the writing of ancient Indian history. It then discusses about the nature of sources which helps in constructing ancient Indian history. It further throws light on the prehistory of India, the Indus Valley civilization, the origin of the Indo-Aryans, the geographical background, the linguistic groups, the origins of Jainism and Buddhism.  It also further explains the beginning and formation of Mahajanapadas, the rise of the Magadha kingdom, and the Iranian and Macedonian invasions.

The period of the Mauryas, Central Asian countries, Satvahanas, Guptas, and the rule of Harshavardhana is also elaborated. The author also discusses the varna system, urbanization, commerce and trade, development in science and philosophy, and the cultural legacy of ancient India.
The author also analyzes the process of transition from ancient to medieval India.

The author was a renowned scholar of ancient India and the book will be helpful for students preparing for competitive exams and students of history.

Although, I would have given the rating of 4. But the pages not being in sequence makes it very complicated to read.

Rating: 3.5/5

Note: The book reviews are my personal and not sponsored.

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