Monday, May 25, 2020

Book Review

Hi Everyone,

Book Review

Title:  The Penguin History of Early India: From the Origins to AD 1300

Author: Romila Thapar


The book begins by a survey of the prehistory of India,the Indus Valley civilization, the vedic age, the rise of Buddhism and  Jainism, the formation of states and kingdoms and the cultural history of ancient India.

The book is written by an eminent historian in which the author explores the development of various schools of historiography in India. The author gives an insight about the rise and fall of Indian kingdoms and their causes. It also discusses about the social, economic and political conditions in ancient India.

The author also gives us a brief overview of the transition from ancient to early medieval India.She also notes about the progress in Indian art and  architecture during the ancient period.It also gives us information about the cultural history of ancient India.

The language used by the author is simple and lucid.

Rating: 3/5

Note: The book reviews are my personal and not sponsored.

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